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    Rhinoplasty in Turkish Clinics Explained For You!

    The journey to change one’s life necessitates psychological and physical adjustments. A rhinoplasty in Turkey can help you take the first step in the path of reinventing yourself.

    Rhinoplasty in Turkey: Overview 

    The history of rhinoplasty, the celebrities’ go-to aesthetic surgery, was marked by the first operation done by Dr. John Orlando Roe in 1887. 


    Dr. Roe performed the first cosmetic rhinoplasty on a man in his 20s who wanted to change the shape of his nose after dealing with social bullying issues. 


    Nowadays, rhinoplasty has become popular in unprecedented ways, especially among young people. 


    The nose shape or size cannot be the source of embracement to anyone anymore because you can now have that part of your face reshaped using the safest medical methods.


    Rhinoplasty in Turkey is an effective cosmetic procedure that not only rids you of nose deformities but also relieves you of the stress load that may accompany you during your daily social interactions. 


    People who had to hear inappropriate remarks or stand up to a bully, or others who do not feel satisfied with the appearance of their noises are choosing every day to undergo rhinoplasty in Turkey, which has an excellent success record in this particular cosmetic specialty. 

    What Is Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) in Turkey? 

    The purpose of rhinoplasty is to harmonise the shape of the nose with the rest of the face in a way that enhances the attractiveness of the person’s looks. 


    Women and men interested in having rhinoplasty are expected to determine the shape and structure of the nose before the surgery. 


    The surgery aims at modifying the nose dimensions while preserving its essential breathing function. 


    On the other hand, rhinoplasty may be performed to meet the patient’s aesthetic and health needs. During the operation, the surgeon may encounter and eliminate turbinate hypertrophy while remodelling your nose to fit your face perfectly. 


    Hence, intranasal issues closing the respiratory tract are frequently seen in most people undergoing rhinoplasty surgery.

    Who Can Have a Rhinoplasty in Turkey? 

    Plastic procedures targeting the enhancement of the noise appearance are not exclusive to any group of people. 


    Anyone above 18 who complains of no serious health issues can have a nose job. 


    You can have a nose adjustment procedure in Turkey for various reasons, such as having a disproportionate nasal structure that does not fit your face, a humped crooked nose, nostrils larger than usual, or an asymmetric nose.


    Turkish clinics will offer individualised treatment options to suit your needs and give you the nose shape you want. 

    Who Is a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty in Turkey?

    You are very suitable to have a rhinoplasty in Turkey if: 

    • Your facial bone growth is complete.
    • You are physically healthy and fit.
    • You have a positive outlook and realistic goals to improve your looks.

    When Should a Rhinoplasty in Turkey Be Performed? 

    Rhinoplasty surgeries can alter how you look positively and give you the facial traits you aspire to have. 


    On the other hand, the procedure’s target can go beyond its aesthetic nature to eliminate pressing health problems. 


    Patients with severe intra-nasal or extra-nasal deviation or turbinate hypertrophy may need a comprehensive nose reconstruction operation (a nose job) to overcome nasal obstruction issues. 

    When Is a Good Time For a Rhinoplasty in Turkey?

    The answer to this question varies from one person’s condition to another. 


    Ideally, the right time to have the surgery is generally after the person’s bones stop growing, typically after age 16. 


    Patients who are about to delve into a new chapter of their lives, like moving to start college or have a professional adventure, may consider it the ultimate time to have a life-altering procedure like rhinoplasty. 

    What Are the Types of Rhinoplasty Surgery in Turkey? 

    Plastic surgeons perform different techniques in accordance with the needs and expectations of the patients. 


    1. Closed rhinoplasty. This surgery does not need an incision between the nostrils. All incisions are performed within the nose, ensuring the sutures’ maximum protection. 



    • The surgery is performed through the nostrils without causing scars.
    • No traces are seen from the outside.
    • Recovery time is faster.


    • Surgeon’s intervention and planning area may be limited.

    2. Open rhinoplasty. During open rhinoplasty, the incisions are made between the nostrils, combining other cuts made in the nose.

    Also, the nasal skin is lifted over the nasal bone cartilage septum. By the end of the surgery, the incisions are sealed with sutures. 



    • Bone and cartilage structure can be seen.
    • Allows clear vision of the nasal structure directly.
    • Surgery planning can be executed more accurately


    • There may be a 2-3 mm scar hidden at the tip of the nose
    • The swelling may take more time to disappear.

    3. Tip Plasty. A round or long nose tip makes a face look flat or long and gives the illusion of a wider nasal structure.  

    The procedure refers to reshaping and fixing the tip of the nose and can be performed using open and closed techniques following the patient’s needs.


    4. Septo-Rhinoplasty. This procedure is done to improve the breathing pattern of patients who suffer from a deviated septum. 

    During septoplasty, the surgeon repositions your nasal septum to the middle of your nose.

    What To Expect Before a Rhinoplasty in Turkey? 

     If you are thinking about having a rhinoplasty, you should know that your surgeon in Turkey will discuss your medical status. 


    Your consultation with the doctor will include discussing the following: 

    • Your medical history, including diseases, previous surgeries, immunisations, and current diet and exercise routine. 
    • Your mental health (any mental illnesses and current treatment) 
    • Checking your blood pressure, temperature, heart rate/rhythm, oxygen saturation, and respiratory rate. 
    • Medications you are currently taking 
    • Any Allergies
    • Any reactions to medication or anaesthesia

    What to Expect During a Rhinoplasty in Turkey?

    All types of surgeries, including rhinoplasty, are carried out by licensed surgeons in accredited medical facilities in Turkey. 


    The surgery is typically performed over three stages. 

    1- Anesthesia 

     The patient will receive anaesthesia before the procedure under various depths, including local anaesthesia, intravenous sedation, and general anaesthesia. 


    Each method has its variations and side effects, which the doctor will explain and extend necessary recommendations. 

    2- Surgical Procedure

    In the next stage, the surgeon will make incisions between or inside the nostrils and then separate the skin from the cartilage area to start the modification process. 


    The surgeon then reshapes the inner bone of the nose to define its new shape. 


    Later, when the remodelling process is finished, the surgeon puts the skin and tissue back together and stitches the incisions. 

    3- Protecting the Nose 

    After the procedure, the surgeon places a splint to safeguard the shape of the nose. In particular situations, the surgeon may put gauze or a nose tampon in the nostrils to control the bleeding and maintain the septum in place. 

    What to Expect After a Rhinoplasty in Turkey?

    Immediately after the procedure, you should expect: 

    • Swelling and bruising 
    • Mild to moderate pain 
    • The sensation of a stuffy, blocked nose 
    • The inside of your nose will be packed with special gauze
    • The nose bridge would be covered with a splint, usually made of plaster of Paris


    After the first few hours, when the anaesthesia effect goes away, you should be able to: 


    • Get up of bed and move around 
    • Be able to eat (approximately five hours after the procedure)

    Would It Take Long to Recover From a Rhinoplasty in Turkey? 

     Following the surgery, the patient’s nose will feel stuffy (the feeling will resemble the symptoms of a cold).  


    The doctor will recommend taking seven to ten days off from work, school, or other professional activities to heal. 

    What Are the Approximate Recovery Stages of a Rhinoplasty in Turkey? 

    Healing can differ depending on the patients and their physical condition. However, several stages can apply to most cases.  


    One day. Your nose will be stuffy, in addition to some bruising in the lower eyelids. Cold compresses can come in handy to help alleviate bruising and discomfort.


    Seven days. The cast and sutures will be removed seven days after the surgery. By this time, most patients will notice minimal yellow discoloration in the lower eyelids. 


    Two to three weeks. Most of the swelling goes away, while the remaining swollen areas, particularly the tip of the nose, can take longer to recover. 

    Are There Any Possible Complications After a Rhinoplasty in Turkey? 

    Like other surgeries, rhinoplasty can carry some degree of risk. The procedure may lead to possible complications like: 

    • Short-term nausea due to general anaesthesia
    • Slow healing
    • Infection that may require treatment with antibiotics or another surgical intervention
    • Heavy bleeding 
    • Allergy to sutures
    •  The formation of a blood clot beneath the incision site
    • Scars that may form over the healing incisions 

    Why Should I Have a Rhinoplasty in Turkey? 

    While you can have your rhinoplasty anywhere in the world, Turkey is the best destination to change the shape of your nose and your life. 


    If you are looking for highly qualified medical staff, experienced surgeons, and premium materials and equipment. 


    You should not look any further than Istanbul, the capital of excelling cosmetic procedures.  

    What Are theCosts of a Rhinoplasty in Turkey?

    Turkish cosmetic clinics have an excellent reputation in the field of rhinoplasty surgeries. Patients from all over the world visit Turkey daily to benefit from top medical services in recognized health facilities that adhere to hygiene and ethical practice standards.


    While working relentlessly on improving the quality of treatments and surgeries, Turkish clinics have always offered competitive prices significantly lower than other facilities in Europe, Australia, and the USA. 


    Country Range of Prices 
    Turkey 2000€-2500€
    UK 4500£-6500£
    USA 9000$-11.500$
    Australia 7000$-9500$
    Germany  6000€-5500€

    How Much Will I Pay for a Rhinoplasty at Global Clinic? 

    At Global Clinic, we propose affordable prices that match different budgets without compromising the quality of treatments and materials used to reinforce our plastic operations.  


    We offer an attractive price package for our Rhinoplasty treatments. 


    Treatment Price at Global Clinic
    Rhinoplasty 1800 €
    Tip Plasty 1600 €
    Stepto-Rhinoplasty 1600 €
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