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    What To Know About Breast Lift in Turkish Clinics!

    Breasts may become saggy due to hormonal factors, ageing, weight loss, etc. Thousands of patients visit Turkey to undergo the famous breast lift procedure in the safest ways and for reasonable costs.

    Breast Lift Surgery in Turkey

    Most people feel unsatisfied about at least one area of their bodies which causes them to second guess their appearance and social image in general. 


    On the other hand, many women who succeeded to lose a considerable mass of fat noticed that their breasts lost their usual volume and shape during the process. 


    Similarly, breastfeeding mothers who went through pregnancy and childbirth may also experience a change in the outlook of their chest area which very often starts to sag a year or two after conceiving.  


    Drooping breasts can be the result of a variety of factors including pregnancy, breastfeeding, gravity, weight gain or loss, natural ageing, and heredity, which visibly affects the way your breast carries itself. 


    However, a breast lift procedure in Turkey can save the day. The excess skin that causes the breasts to look loose can be skillfully handled by talented surgeons in Turkish clinics to give you the lifted bosom you have been dreaming of. 


    Fast Facts About Breast Lift in Turkey
    Procedure Breast Lift/ Mastopexy
    Duration Three to four hours
    Anaesthesia General anaesthesia
    Location Turkey, Istanbul
    Possible side effects Soreness, swelling, and bruising
    Recovery time 10 days
    Expected results Well defined and fuller breasts

     Why Do Breasts Become Saggy? 

    The skin texture in the breast area is delicate which makes it prone to changes over time or due to specific hormonal factors. The phenomenon is referred to as breast ptosis.


    Although some women have saggy breasts by nature even at a younger age, others are influenced by pregnancy, hormone fluctuations, weight gain, and loss. 


    According to experts, even regular jogging without wearing a proper sports bra can stretch and distort the breast skin. 


    By carrying a child in her womb, a woman undergoes so many psychological and physical changes, which affect her breasts among other parts of her body. 


    Pregnancy causes the ligaments that support the breasts to stretch, as the breasts get fuller and heavier. Breastfeeding may maintain this process after pregnancy, but sagging occurs only throughout pregnancy.


    Aging also plays a role in altering the shape of breasts since ageing skin has less collagen to enable your bosom to spring back into shape. 


    In fact, women with fuller breasts tend to experience more age-related sagging than women with petite figures.


    Breast ptosis can develop through several stages:

    Stage 1: The breast begins to fall. The areola is above the inframammary fold.

    Stage 2: The areola looks moderately downward. The nipple is at the level of the submammary fold or slightly below.

    Stage 3 and 4: Here we speak of severe ptosis. The areola is below the breast fold and looks downward.

    What Is a Breast Lift in Turkey?

    Some women find it extremely hard to feel as confident and attractive with or without clothes when their breasts permanently change shape. 


    A breast lift procedure comes in handy when the sagginess of the breast starts to become a source of discomfort, jeopardising your confidence and sense of femininity.   


    A breast lift or mastopexy in Turkey is dedicated to improving the breasts’ shape, protrusion, and symmetry by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue. 


    Mastopexy in Turkey will not only give you a fresh-looking bosom but will also improve your mental health especially if you are deeply unhappy with the shape of your breasts before the cosmetic surgery. 

    Why should I Get a Breast lift in Turkey? 

    Feeling empowered by your own body to wear and act the way you want without doubting your beauty or worth is the ultimate goal behind performing most cosmetic procedures either surgical or non-surgical. 


    While a healthy diet and exercise can work wonders for your body, some issues like sagginess in the breast area need a more decisive intervention for fast and permanent results. 


    Thus, the pursuit of a happy life for modern women can manifest through many endeavours including the constant effort to look prettier and more enchanting. 


    This cannot be fully achieved sometimes without going under the knife to seek the most advanced cosmetic surgical techniques. Sure enough, if you choose the right surgeon and medical facility to have your operation then you have nothing to worry about, but rather you have many things to gain including a beautiful breast. 

    Am I a Good Candidate For Breast Lift in Turkey? 

    Before considering a breast lift in Turkey, you should make sure you are a convenient candidate for the procedure. 


    In fact, you can have this life-changing surgery if you agree to the following: 

    • You want firm and fresh-looking breasts.
    • You think that your nipples are way below the normal level and not at an appropriate position.
    • You do not like the feeling of sagging breasts and you only feel comfortable wearing supportive bras.
    • You are healthy and do not have severe illnesses. 
    • You do not plan to become pregnant soon.
    • You have realistic expectations about the results of the surgery.

    What Are the Techniques of  Breast Lift in Turkey?


    Surgical plan


    Periareolar Technique

    This technique involves the removal of elliptical skin around the areola and making the incision around the nipple.



    Short Scar Lift Technique

    A method that consists of making a short vertical incision around or under the areola.


    Reverse T-Shaped Technique


    The incision pattern of this method starts from the areola and goes vertically under the inframammary crease and horizontally along the inframammary crease.


    What Is the Procedure for a Breast Lift in Turkey? 

    A breast lift in Turkey takes several steps to change the total look of the breasts. 

    1. Consultation with the doctor

    During your meeting with the surgeon, a physical examination of the breast, nipples, and surrounding skin is done, in addition to designing the most suitable positioning and shape for your breasts. 

    Thus, for a more voluminous shape, breast silicone prosthesis or fat injection will be selected accordingly.

    2. Pre-op preparations 

    To achieve the best results there may be certain preparations beforehand. 

    • You may have to make changes to your diet.
    • You should avoid smoking before and after the surgery.
    • You need to undergo a physical check-up before the surgery.
    • If you have familial predisposition risks and you are over 40 years of age, it may be advised to have ultrasonography and mammography screening.

       3. Anaesthesia

    At this stage, the surgeon applies general anaesthesia to ensure the smoothness of the surgery.

    4. Making the incisions and shaping the breasts

    Your surgeon will then make an incision around the areola. The incision runs from the bot

    tom of the areola to the breast crease. It can also extend to the side of the areola. 


    Afterward, the breast will be shaped, and the surgeon will reposition and possibly shrink your areola to fit your new breast shape.


    It is worth mentioning that breast implants can be used in conjunction with a breast lift to increase the size and fullness of your breasts.

    5. Closing the incisions

    Finally, the incision is closed using stitches, sutures, skin glue, or surgical tape. Surgeons usually try to make incisions in less visible areas of the breast.

    What Should I Expect During Recovery From a Breast Lift in Turkey? 

    During all kinds of aesthetic surgeries, a patient is expected to go through a recovery phase to heal and wait for the results. 


    The results of a breast lift are immediate as the patient should notice a change in the shape of their breast right away. However, the healing process will take a few weeks before the final shape and size of the breasts should become more visible.


    It is imperative during this stage to follow the doctor’s instructions and rest to achieve better surgical outcomes while keeping in mind that: 

    • You will need to wear a support bra after the procedure. 
    • The breast area will remain swollen and bruised for a couple of weeks, before regaining its new and enhanced shape.
    • You will probably need some medication to handle pain after the procedure. But you will not need anything stronger than over-the-counter medication such as paracetamol.
    • Patients must sleep on their back or sides at first and avoid lifting or straining for several days.
    • Small drainage tubes may be used right after the surgery, and then removed by the doctor within a few days.
    • The patient’s bra size may change. So maybe it is best to avoid buying new lingerie until all the swelling disappears and the new breast size can be accurately measured.

    What Are the Benefits of a Breast Lift in Turkey? 

    A mastopexy in Turkey can be very beneficial at the level of upgrading the look of your breast in addition to:

    • Improving the appearance of drooping breasts
    • Adding more definition to the waist area
    • Preventing redness and skin rashes under the breasts 
    • Increasing positive body image 

     What Are the Costs of a Breast Lift in Turkey?

    Turkish cosmetic clinics have an excellent reputation in the field of  mastopexy surgeries. 


    International patients visit Turkey daily to benefit from top medical services in recognized health facilities that adhere to hygiene and ethical practice standards.


    While working relentlessly to improve the quality of treatments and surgeries, Turkish clinics and Global Clinic have always offered competitive prices significantly lower than other facilities in the UK, the Netherlands, and the USA. 


    Country  Prices
    Turkey 2600-3500€
    UK 4000-5300£
    USA 4000-7000$
    Netherlands 5000-7000$
    Global Clinic 2450€


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